Monday, May 18, 2009

Up To This Point...

Sooooo I haven't really been in the mood to blog lately. I've been going through a lot emotionally (both good and bad). I finally got my contacts back, andddd I finally got a job!! Of course, it's not my career or anything but it'll do in order for me to get some paychecks lol. Dj and I are on weird terms....i honestly don't know what to do or say about that just yet. Well let's put it this way, I do know what to do I just don't wanna say or act on it right now. In the meantime, I've found someone really special or they've found me. He is soooooo wonderful, BUT once again this brings confusion. Only time will tell about that. I've realized that the pursuit to happiness can be a long and tough journey at times. I just want to move on in life, be already graduated from college, moved into a great place in a great city, starting a wonderful career that I'll truly be happy with and making good money, and have the man of my dreams by my side. The only thing is, in order to get to that point I must go through steps, hard times, heart aches, and hard work to get there. I know once I get there I'll be so happy and know that everything was well worth it, but at the moment it's hard to see that. I just gotta keep moving on and try my best to be happy. Where are the "true" friends and people to talk to when you need them the most???

With Genuine Love,
Britt Marie

P.S: On a happier note, here are a few of my fave songs at the moment........Enjoy!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Life Goes On!!

Soooo I'm happier than I've been in a long time. I'm just doing me ya know? Just living life.....I'm currently searching for a dang job though haha. Hopefully, I get one soon because I have a life, and things have to get bought and paid for lol! I've been living it up and exploring the town with my girls, which is sooo much fun. Just being a single, happy, young lady making her way through life. I'm currently in the process of starting my own business (more news of that coming soon!), but in the mean time "starting" a business doesn't pay the bills, and that's why I'm in the process of looking for a job. O! You're probably're single?? What happened to DJ???? Well, let's just say I gained my senses and wanted my life back :) . So life's great, and to celebrate here's a song for ya and pics of yours truly!! One last thing.....If you haven't subscribed to Laurence0802 on youtube by now, then you're on the slow pace lol! I love you all!

With Genuine Love,
Britt Marie

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Forget about the youtube series. I might start it later on in time, but for right now just don't have the motivation to do it :(

With Genuine Love,
Britt Marie

Monday, May 4, 2009



With Genuine Love,
Britt Marie

Fun Nights

Well, I have had a great day! Lazed around for awhile and then got up; my bestie (Jas) and I went driving around, went out to eat, and went to see some people that I haven't seen in a long time and have missed sooooo much. It was so FUN, and I can't wait to hang with them more through out the summer.....ever since I went to see them, they've been texting like crazy lol (makes me happy). **random thought: i like texting wayyyy more than I like actually talking on the phone...don't know why** anyways, well that was pretty much the night, driving all around to see peepz. Unfortunately, the night was cut short because my bestie has class at 8 in the morning, but i've been out since friday. Tomorrow I'm going to try to find a job. We'll see how that goes lol. Well that's all for now......

With Genuine Love,

Britt Marie

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Soooooo I found this AMAZING singer on and think you'll enjoy him....He's a part time singer, music producer, and songwriter. Subscribe to him on youtube now lol!
Name: Laurence
Song: Take Me Away

P.S. Now DJ wants to act right again....we'll see how long that lasts (he's such a sweetie when he wants to do right).......El is so real and down to earth (could text and talk to him all day) :) kinda confused right now :( will work itself out lol....WAIT! AREN'T I SUPPOSED TO BE DONE WITH RELATIONSHIPS?????? GOSH!!!! LOL (no seriously this time hahaha)

Anywayssssss here's the song....enjoy the experience!


Hi Everyone!

Well, I'm finally home and I'm so happy...excited to get this summer started. Anyways, I'm having a few dilemmas right now (in order from least important to most important).
1) I tore my last pair of contacts and now I don't have hazel eyes anymore :( . You may not think this is very important lol, but it is to me...those contacts have become apart of me and now I don't have them anymore. Some people have never even seen me without them, but now they will so oh well. I'll just have to deal with it for a week until I get my contacts back.
2) This guy that I talk to....we'll just call him DJ.....has once again done a 180 on me. We have been talking since my freshman year, which means we've been talking for 1 year and 8 months. We have the most disfunctional relationship in the world. One day we're all happy and lovey dovey, and then we're mad and arguing the next. Here comes the kicker............he's cheated on me 7+ times. I know you all are probably thinking that I'm one of those stupid females that just lets dudes walk all over her, but the thing is that I'm not. I tend to be bossy and in control of most of my relationships, but for some reason this time I decided to be "wifey", and he decided to take complete advantage of that. I mean I gave my ALL; 110%. He's the first man that has actually given that "all boys are dogs" mentality. I'm so done with this. Even when he's in the wrong, he manages to flip the situation to put me at fault. I can't take it seems like I'm the only one trying to make this relationship work and that's how it's been for a long time. BUT now it's on him....I'm just going to sit back and let everything take it's course. Right when I think he's doing good, he always does a 180 on me (like he's done now). This may not work out. Plus, there are plenty of men out there that are willing to do right by me (like this one guy who's been texting me lately...we'll call him El and I'll let you know how that goes.) I'm just so sick of it all. I don't really even want to be in a relationship right now, so I think I know what I have to do.
3) Well this brings me to number 3, which isn't really a dilemma. I'm going to "reinvent" myself. Meaning that I'm going to start exercising like I know I should...I'm skinny and all and make sure I stay cute, but I'm not in the best shape that I could be lol. I'm also going to gain my independence back...meaning leaving relationships alone for awhile and just doing me, having fun, hanging with my bestie and having fun with guys without the seriousness of it all. Lastly, I'm going to show my personality 100%. I've never had a problem with expressing how I feel, but some parts of my personality I tend with withhold out of fear of what others may think, but NOT ANYMORE and neither should anyone else. Life is so much more grand and so much more fun when you're truly being yourself. I have a new role model right now (you'll come to see that they change often), and her name is Danger from For the Love of Ray J. She's my role model not because of her promiscuous ways but because she's not afraid to be herself. Even when everyone is against her and hurts her, she stands her ground. This keeps the people that truly like/love you around and the fake people away.

Well, that's my life so far...more to come so stay tuned! :)

With Genuine Love,
Britt Marie

**Create Yourself, Be Yourself, And Don't Care What Others Have To Say About It; Life Is a Lot More Exciting This Way**

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Time For A Change

Well, this is officially my first blog, so i may tend to ramble or be kinda short. Well, right now life is good. I really can't complain. School will be ending for me in two days (friday), and i'll be on my way home which is something I'm sooooo excited about! I haven't been home in so long and miss it. Plus, I'm sooo ready to get outta here. I'm in definite need for a change. Life here at school is getting very BLAH! It's the same thing everyday; wake up late, try to go to class lol, leave class, do any necessary work, laze around, procrastinate on a lot of things I should've done, hang out with Derrick, then stay up until about 3 or 4 or maybe even 5, and it starts all over again. Doesn't sound too interesting and it's not. However, when I go home it's sooooo much fun! I love it; something new and exciting, whether good or bad, happens everyday. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of interesting things that go on here, but they're mostly stressful things. Well, anyway that means that when I get home, I should have just about a very interesting or at least somewhat interesting blog very often lol. Also, I'll be letting you into my mind (a true mystery lol) and deepest thoughts. Well, I think I'll get back to packing now.

With Genuine Love,

Britt Marie

**Create Yourself, Be Yourself, and Don't Care What Others Have to Say About It, Life Is A Lot More Exciting This Way**